Friday, September 11, 2009

Resort Blues (News) from Prem Abhay

I hope I am not taking too much liberty in here reproducing Prem Abhay’s relevant comments in “”.

Re: Contamination of Drinking Water at OIMR Pune.

I have been following the recent posts with interest (and concern). For my efforts to have the resort laboratory proven ‘drinking’ water contamination problem resolved I was firstly removed from a Residential Program. However I was also not allowed to work at all, hence I had to pay (what I could not afford) to go to the resort. So I quickly ran out of money and left.

I know that in Pune 1 there were difficult circumstances and there is a sense that people tried their best on the hygiene front. I am also not talking about Pune 2 the ‘Ashram’, where to my knowledge the water treatment system was probably leading the standard for India. I am here talking about the new ‘Resort’. The water infrastructure for Pune 2 ‘Ashram’ had been left to slowly decay, and the additional water infrastructure that came with the ‘Resort’ did not work properly - and no-one fixed it!!!

I found the fact that people could simply go on drinking contaminated water year after year utterly unacceptable. I also found out about a lot of other serious problems at the resort: serious risks and negligence relating to food, trees, buildings, lighting etc.

When I came back to Pune nearly 2 years ago I stood near the front entrance of the resort and handed out a Water Contamination Report. The following is what happened in the days and weeks afterwards. (Prior to arriving in Pune I received a threatening email warning me not to come to Pune).

In Pune I have been verbally threatened with being beaten; I have been pushed and punched; I have been threatened with a broom stick, sticks, metal rods, and threatened with a knife in Osho park; I have been warned to leave Pune, and have been on the receiving end of a number of potentially dangerous incidents whilst walking around Koregaon Park.

From talking to people I have a sense of the terrible things I have supposed to have done: from being uncaring and reckless, violent and dangerous, a terrorist, a racist, and a hypnotist. Like many people that come in search of a Master, I have certainly gone through a difficult inner journey during my time at the Osho ashram/resort. Thankfully Osho’s message of cathartic therapies and active meditation saved me from the torment of strict Buddhist (and yoga) practice - I am forever thankful to him for this. However whatever drama I have been involved in at the resort has been from my side innocent in nature, and I have heard how these situations have been transformed to make me the culprit. Their lies start with an element of truth. Then they twist this into an utter fabrication.

You have not heard of the drinking water contamination problem because the person that has tried to tell you has been slandered and violently removed from the scene.

This Harri Om person is no doubt well versed in the long tale of Osho’s movement. He (oops…or She) has most likely read my stuff, or at least read the posters/reports that were once splashed all over Koregaon Park.

However the people who write here have not, or perhaps they may even know me as that crazy terrorist guy who had a fight with Dhyanesh at the front gate last year. Either way, you do not have a clue what is really going on there.

I have a blog:

It used to be called

On the right side of the blog is a tag Osho Resort. If you click on it you will find the whole disgusting journey. Towards the end (scroll a long way down) is the nuts and bolts of what is trying to be covered up: “Water Contamination Report” and “Sheela and Who?: Further Reading”.

It is with some very real concern for my well-being that I write this. I do take some comfort knowing that there are many other Osho sannyasins that have had the courage to speak out. However, what has happened to me is testimony to the extent that people will go to stop our voices being heard.

People regularly comment in these pages (and elsewhere) on the oasis like buddha field in Pune.

The Pune resort is run like a violent tyrannical dictatorship, ruled by fear and an iron fist; you call that a buddha field???

Team management India and the current Inner-Circle are guilty of criminality and criminal negligence.

I somehow don’t get Harri Om’s murder conspiracy theory, but the thing that gets me is that I know that a lot of other things he/she is saying are true.

Good luck cause you might need it!


Abhay then responds to criticism with the following:

…I am sure that I would have been banned in Osho’s life time too, but not by Osho. Since you are interested in backward looking, the same situation occurred with Swami Rajneesh. He was also banned and assaulted, however Osho told management to let him in and leave him alone, and for the guards not to attack him.

You say you have read my blog. So obviously you are aware that the filters had been removed from the wells and not replaced; that the filters at the taps were years old and finance refused to give the engineers new ones; that there is a serious design flaw in the old water treatment system; and that the central filtration system underneath the new resort complex has never ever been turned on because it does not work.

So a lot of the water that is from the wells has no initial or central filtration system. You say this is the best in Pune. However I am absolutely sure that the PMC has a filtration system that is not only installed, but actually turned on.

The entire water treatment system is in a deplorable state. However, even so, if it is on par or even better than the whole of Pune, is that any great achievement? If I am sitting at an internet cafe somewhere on this planet looking for a nice place to go for a holiday, and I see, do you think I might think much of the fact that there is actually not much difference between drinking the water at the resort and going down the road to the nearest slum and drinking that water?

Not far from the resort, in a slum area near the railway, there have been reports of cholera in recent years. The so called pristine stream in Osho Park is actually the sewer being fed from these upstream areas. Hence it is for example entirely possible that cholera, let alone all the other typical viruses and bacteria found in India’s water, can make its way into the resort’s wells. Hence, with a water treatment system in a state of either decay or not working at all, it is quite possibly that people at the resort will drink cholera and other potential deadly micro-organisms.

To be quite frank I don’t mind a few bones in my tomato soup, but if I go to the resort, am encouraged to drink the signed drinking water, and it may contain typhoid, e-coli, cholera etc, than actually I do mind quite a bit. If also this has been going on for lets say 7 years or so, and this includes hundreds of thousands of people, I would consider it more than a frivolity.

Of course feel free to go to Pune and drink the drinking water (especially when it rains) because I don’t know what I am talking about, and even if I did, it is just a little fuss.

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