Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Who are we?

We are a collective of Osho disciples and friends formed with one unifying goal: the transformation of the "Inner-Circle" through a process of free and fair elections.

The OMDC is not born out of any historic Osho factions, and its primary motivation is apolitical. The primary objective is the formation of, rather than participation in, democratic process.

In this way, Osho sannyassins that have clear factional associations are not precluded from becoming a member of the OMDC. However the OMDC reserves the right to participate in any future electoral process - if indeed that fortunate day shall come.

The OMDC was formed to support a democratic electoral process aimed at eliminating the factional infighting that has been destroying the clarity of Osho's vision. Having an elected team also ensures that the people who manage Osho's affairs are accountable and have the popular support of his people.

The OMDC will petition the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh with the below letter. The petition will be distributed to other relevant authorities that have a capacity to support bringing about democratic reform.

How can you make a difference? You can help by sending the below petition (copy & paste) to as many people as you can - or write your own letter. Visit OMDC on Facebook by clicking HERE.

Petition for Democratic Reform

To whom it may concern,

This letter is a request for your support in moving towards a democratically elected governing body for the legacy of the Indian mystic known as Osho. Osho's legacy - including his principal meditation centre (Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune), and his publishing house (Osho International Foundation) - was left in the care of an “Inner-Circle”: a 21-member group of his closest disciples.

It took less than 10 years from Osho leaving the body for a deep split to emerge in the “Inner-Circle”. The membership of this “Inner-Circle” has undergone significant change – as has the number of people comprising it.

Osho is a visionary mystic whose outpourings of wisdom shall be a guiding light to millions of people for many decades - and most likely centuries - to come.

Osho left no spiritual successor. He also made it clear that the Inner-Circle was to function only as an administering body, and had no spiritual mandate. He left no instructions for the evolving membership to the Inner-Circle.

It is out of a wish to ensure that his legacy can remain available in a unified and pure form that the request is here made for your support in creating the foundation and principals for a democratically elected governing body to carry out Osho’s work.

Yours sincerely,

All the many Osho disciples.